As the holiday season approaches, residents of Ben City Metropolis are gearing up for festive shopping, but many are expressing concerns over rising costs. While preparing for the festivities, people are increasingly feeling the strain of high prices that have drastically impacted their purchasing power.
In interviews conducted at shopping centers, some respondents noted that the price of goods has surged, making it difficult to buy the same items they could afford in previous years. One individual mentioned that the price of a product they previously bought for 20 Naira had increased to 100 Naira, causing them to reduce their planned purchases. This change has caused a ripple effect, with people unable to afford basic items like rice or cooking oil, despite wanting to celebrate.
In light of these challenges, some residents have opted to scale back their festive preparations, choosing not to pressure themselves into buying expensive items. Others have urged people to celebrate the season within their means, suggesting that it’s better to manage what they can afford rather than try to impress others. They emphasized the importance of being thankful for life, and not comparing oneself to others, especially given the financial difficulties that many are facing.
Despite the tough times, there is an underlying sense of resilience, with people determined to make the most of the season, however they can. more updates