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Suspension: Court Grants Ganduje’s Application On Mode Of Service.

welcome to trening with VV a federal high court in Cano has granted an application by the ABC national chairman abdulah Umar gandu J for substituted service on APC gandu J word executive members who suspended him from The Party The Justice granted this application on Tuesday the W Executives led by One Hal dando and eight others had on April 15 2024 suspended Gand J from the party for alleged infractions the federal High Court had on April 18 2024 granted an interim order asking parties to maintain status quo pending hearing and determination of the fundamental rights enforcement suit filed by Gand J against the suspension the ABC national chairman is Seeking a declaration of the court that his suspension from the Party by the word Executives was illegal and on having not given him the opportunity to defend himself which he said amounted to of his fundamental right while gandu J is also seeking 100 million damages against the respondents for violating his rights to Fair hearing do stay tuned for more updates

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