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Bandits kidnap Zamfara bank manager, demand N900m for Abuja victims.

welcome to trending with VV bandits in the early hours of Tuesday abducted a bank manager of Taj Bank Zar State Branch mansur k a resident of the area mosa ibraim said qua was kidnapped when the bandits invaded his residents at regia gabas area in guso Zafar state capital around 1:00 a.m. the development followed an attack on Sunday at the Pico area of the Bari area Council in the federal capital territory where 13 people were adulted the bandits according to his SCE cl to the madaki meaning the head of the community Chief John J were demanding 900 million n to free the hostages speaking in the Abduction of the bank manager Ino Ibrahim said the government after adopting him from his residence waked him to an unknown destination Ibrahim said the manager when being driven away was shouting for help but nobody could risk his or life to come out to rescue him the spokesperson for the State Police command yazid Abu Baka could not be reached the federal capital territory police command however promised to investigate the Abduction of 13 people in the Pico area as residents panicked over the attack do stay tuned for more updates news.

[Bandits kidnap Zamfara bank manager, demand N900m for Abuja victims.]

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